Tag Archives: Isaiah

Isa 55.6-13: some brief musings

Isaiah 55.6-13

What kind of God makes promises like these?

What news or whose words come with this kind of power in their proclamation;
the kind of power that provokes song from towering peaks and choruses from rolling hills;
the sort of power that rouses the forests and glens into a resounding applause?

To an exiled people, undoubtedly lacking in hope for their future, they receive this word from Isaiah. The prophet mentions that God’s word shall not be a dead word; it’s not the empty promise or trite cliché we all know so well, but it’s a word that brings forth new possibilities, new realities, new creation.

Like the rain and snow that fall from heaven to water the earth, this word from God will bring about growth and transformation in arid deserts—in places we least expect life to be sprouting and thriving.
This word of God, Isaiah promises, will bring forth new life!

And while our situation may differ from the Judeans, Isaiah’s words remain good news for us.
The good news, the gospel of this word is that God’s Word has indeed come forth;
or better, it has come down.
The Word of God comes among us and becomes a word-user, revealing to us the God whose promises are not empty words and bringing us into His presence when we least deserve it and when we least expect it.